the Hohenzeritz Castle (Schloss Hohenzeritz) he fort (The castle is originally a medieval building dedicated to…) History of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz Today in the State of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania lies Hohenzeritz, halfway between Neustrelitz and Neubrandenburg. It recalls the memory of Queen Louise of Prussia.
The first small castle was built by Johann Christian von Fabian between 1747 and 1751. dead (Death is the final state of a biological organism in which it ceases to live (even if…) From his son Adam Friedrich in 1768, the castle became the property of the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and in 1770 to Duke Charles of Mecklenburg, brother of the regent. He completely rebuilt the castle on two floors in the classical style with a beautiful Greek base in the middle of the main facade and the facade overlooking the garden. These are interspersed with columns ofIonic system (The Ionic arrangement (also called the Ionic column) is particularly characterized by…). The base of the main courtyard is decorated with the Duke's coat of arms, while the garden front is decorated with the coat of arms of Mecklenburg. My guard house (Cavalierhaus) serves the annex buildings and the guard and was built in 1776 and together with the main building forms a classic main courtyard. It was built by Johann Christian Wilhelm Verpoorten, mayor (In Belgium, Luxembourg and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the mayor is…) From Neustrelitz. Ebel beautifully decorated the interior in 1795 Chinese living room.
Here he died unexpectedly a short time later illness (Disease is a change in the functions or health of an organism, animal, etc.) Queen Louise visits residence (The name accommodation is given to a group of paths that often form a ring containing…) His father's summer, July 19, 1810, plunged the country into distress.
The Grand Ducal family remained in possession of the castle until the Revolution of November 1918. It became the property of the new land shortly after. Month (A month (from Latin: menstruation “month”, formerly plural “menstruation”) is a period of time…) later. The castle was not bombed during its rule the second (The second is the feminine form of the second adjective that comes immediately after the first or that…) World War and eventually sheltered hundreds of refugees from the former East German territories (East Prussia, West Prussia, Danzig area, etc.) who became Polish or Soviet. the time (Time is a concept that man developed to understand…) Belonging to the German Democratic Republic founded in 1949, the castle houses a state-owned agricultural operation, local administrative services, an agricultural engineering department, etc…
After reunification, it was the citadel Empty (Void is usually defined as the absence of matter in a spatial region.) He left it abandoned for about ten years. In 2000, the land was decided to be restored and made into the headquarters of the management of the MĂĽritz Nature Park, with a monument dedicated to the memory of Queen Louise. The park was rehabilitated in 2008. Entry is free, while the castle cannot be visited.