10 things not to do on a plane

10 things not to do on a plane

A very popular flight attendant on TikTok posted two videos in which he lists a total of ten things he never does on a plane.

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Tommy Cimatu, a young man from Arizona, has amassed more than 450 thousand internet users thanks to his videos in which he reveals the underside of his job.

In two of them, he introduced several relatively common practices that should nevertheless be avoided when boarding an airplane. here they are :

Don’t touch the flow with your hands

“Honestly, it is really unhygienic and disgusting. When cleaning, use a paper towel or toilet paper”

Don’t forget to drink water

“Keep hydrated! You should drink about a liter of water per flight”

Don’t lean on the alcove

“You are not the first to do this. You do not know how many adults or children have wiped their hands or anything on the window!”

Don’t wear shorts

“It’s like vents: you can’t assume they’re going to be clean. If you’re wearing pants, you’ll have fewer germs”

Don’t walk barefoot

“Don’t take your shoes off. Floors are disgusting. I see a lot of people doing that. It’s not just sanitary stuff.”

Don’t get up during a disturbance

“You could hurt yourself. These instructions should be taken seriously.”

Do not ignore the safety instructions before take off

“If any accident happens, you are 80% more likely to survive.”

Don’t greet a flight attendant by snapping your fingers

“You should never do this to get anyone’s attention”

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Don’t get up when the plane is landing

“It is not safe. You have to remain seated until the plane stops and the signal is turned off”

Feel free to inform the hostess if you feel unwell

“We’re here to help, so if you need food, water, or a vomit bag, let us know.”

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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