2 to 3 times more positive in tests in women

2 to 3 times more positive in tests in women
Female smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer than men.  Credit: SIGRID OLSSON/AltoPress/PhotoAlto via AFP

Female smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer than men. Credit: SIGRID OLSSON/AltoPress/PhotoAlto via AFP

IIntolerance by General Assistance Hospitals Paris (AP-HP), study Cascade (Screening lung cancer in French women by low-dose computed tomography) delivers, after a year, its first results, which alarm smokers. A year ago, it was The Supreme Authority for Health (HAS) realized the value of such an approach. 3,000 female smokers or former smokers between the ages of 50 and 74 already contacted the authors of this Inca-funded pilot study and Ministry of Health 1,300 people were included, 85% of whom were active smokers.

In the end, the group will consist of 2,400 volunteers, twice the number of women in the coeducational NELSON study published in 2020 of more than 15,000 volunteers but overwhelmingly composed of men. Reviewing details of the first results with Professor Marie-Pierre Revel, Head of Radiology at Cochin Hospital, principal investigator for the Cascade study, who is still looking for volunteers.

the point : What are the first data from your study of systematic screening for lung cancer in women?

Professor Marie-Pierre RevelThe study showed that the rate of positive examination among women is two to three times higher than among men. One out of thirty CT scans was positive in this study. This confirms in “real life” that for an equivalent exposure to tobacco, a woman’s risk of developing lung cancer is much higher. […] read more

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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