7 precautions to take to reduce symptoms and enjoy spring

7 precautions to take to reduce symptoms and enjoy spring

Blooming flowers, budding trees, itchy noses… some of the evidence is unequivocal: Spring is definitely here. And if the awakening of nature is enough to put some balm in the heart, this springtime period is not a walk in the park for everyone. In fact, as temperatures rise, trees and grasses thrive, producing their share of pollen, which is often an allergen. So, to enjoy spring despite these annoyances, here are some practical tips to reduce the effects of your allergies.

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Depending on the regions and species there, allergy symptoms like itchy throat, runny nose, or burning eyes can appear more or less early in the season. There are generally three types of plants at the origin of this spring delicacy:

  • Trees: cypress, birch, oak, ash, hornbeam, plane, poplar, willow, hazel …
  • Grasses: phleole, cocksfoot, tares, bluegrass…
  • Herbs: wormwood, ragweed, plantain, parietal …

Precautions to be taken at home

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  • Wash at night: After being outside, when in contact with pollen, it is recommended to wash the body and hair upon return, in order to eliminate the allergens as much as possible.
  • Ventilate in time: It is essential to maintain a well-ventilated dwelling, even if you are worried about pollen sneaking into your home. To do this, take advantage of certain periods less favorable for pollen flight, before sunrise and after sunset or after a rainy spell.
  • Reducing aggravating factors: Smoking tobacco or an electronic cigarette can exacerbate pollen allergies. But other products or activities tend to exacerbate allergy symptoms, such as manual labor that produces dust or the use of incense, candles, or unnatural cleaning products.
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Precautions to be taken outdoors

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  • Do not dry clothes outside: Hanging your clothes outside is a natural reaction when the weather is good. However, for people who are allergic to pollen, this is not highly recommended. In fact, when you’re exposed to pollen-rich air for long hours, your laundry runs the risk of becoming particularly laden with allergens.
  • Close your car windows: Limiting contact with pollen is the best way to reduce the effectiveness of allergy symptoms. When you travel by car, take advantage of the shelter provided by the passenger compartment to protect you from pollen.
  • Postpone some activities: Gardening, picnics or outdoor sports activities are very enjoyable moments but they can turn against you if you are hypersensitive to pollen. Come early in the evening to enjoy the outdoors during peak pollination and wait a few days to resume your favorite activities.

Expose the inoculating tops

Depending on how sensitive you are, the discomforts associated with pollen can be more or less severe and limited in time. To know the period during which to protect yourself, there are alert sites that inform you of pollination peaks area by area, according to each type of pollen. This is the case for the newsletter Pollen alert or Application of the National Aerobic Biological Monitoring Network.

Note: Pollution is an aggravating factor for pollen allergy. Also review air quality information to avoid prolonged exposure to pollen during peak pollution periods.

Was this article helpful to you? Also find out 6 simple and natural pollen allergy tips to adopt urgently.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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