8 Facts That Are As True As They Are Disgusting About The Human Body

8 Facts That Are As True As They Are Disgusting About The Human Body

The human body is an incredibly well-oiled machine, but it is sometimes obnoxious. We lift the veil on some physical quirks that would surprise ordinary mortals.

We produce 55 kg of saddles annually

Stool consisting of water (75%!), dead bacteria and food residues that are not absorbed by the digestive system, each adult produces on average 150-200 grams per day, that is, at least 55 kg per day. At the global population level, this corresponds to 11 tons of faeces evacuated every second. Statistics that can be tracked directly over here.

It is possible to vomit feces

We stay on the topic of poo (we warned you: it’s not on the table) with a very fortunately rare anecdote: you can vomit your poo. It’s called a digestive disorder fecal vomiting (or “mash”) It is caused by high intestinal secretions in the stomach, due to a blockage in the intestine or serious diseases such as cancer.

We produce 1.5 liters of saliva per day

Between 2 and 4 pints of saliva: That’s what an adult produces each day on average, which equates to about 45,000 liters over their lifetime – enough to fill a swimming pool. And this is a good thing, because saliva is necessary for swallowing and digestion, protects the teeth from acidity in the mouth, cleans the palate and is involved in the sense of taste. Additional Information: Contains our saliva opiorphineIt is three times more effective than morphine against pain and without side effects.

We have 2 kg of bacteria in us

The intestinal flora (formerly called the intestinal flora) contains at least 100,000 billion bacteria, in order to Total two kilogramsAbsolutely beneficial for our body. This is it almost spoke Twice the number of stars in our galaxy. There are more bacteria in our mouths alone than there are humans on Earth. For comparison, our bodies have ten times (10,000 billion) fewer cells than bacteria.

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Our eyelids and eyelashes are home to little monsters

Baptist mite demodex We live in our eyelashes and eyelids: they eat the dead cells of our skin there, multiply there and die there. Most often, it helps to clean the skin, especially from fat. However, it can reproduce without a common procedure if the eyelashes are not cleaned well, which leads to eyelash invasion.

Women can excrete breast milk through the armpit

During pregnancy, it is normal for the breasts to be full of breast milk, but it is also not impossible to excrete it … through the armpits. This happened especially to Linda Jones, a 39-year-old mother who, after giving birth to triplets, saw her breast tissue swell and extend into her armpits. stranger have Move on social networksbefore the media intervened. Rarer, the young mother even reported secretion of breast milk from the vulva.

We can sweat up to 10 liters a day

Normally, the body produces 0.5 to 1 liter of sweat per day, which is 99% water, but it also produces minerals, such as sodium (which gives it a salty taste), and organic compounds. a good sweat It can reach 10 liters in case of extreme heat, intense physical exertion, fever or severe stress. Note that, contrary to popular belief, sweat does not smell: it is the decomposition of bacteria that live on the surface of the skin, which is the origin of its pungent smell.

We can sneeze up to 50 km/h and 9 meters away

According to the post studyWhen a person sneezes, the air is expelled from his nose with an average speed of 16 km / h, and it reaches 50 km / h in some cases, which is slightly higher than the air expelled in the case of coughing. Depending on the conditions, a sneeze can secrete fluid at a distance of up to nine metres. But that’s only if you don’t put your hand over your mouth.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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