Football/Regional 2: The Portuguese card from Pau vs Dax

Football/Regional 2: The Portuguese card from Pau vs Dax

After a good sequence on the left side, fast visitor Lartigue opened the scoring with a powerful cross (1-0, 26). Upon receiving a long free kick, goalkeeper Eustache found a loophole and captain Perrin was surprised to score with a header at the far post (2-0, 35). Too bad Gouveia missed two big chances, alone against Eustache (29, 40).

The editorial staff advises you

The editorial staff advises you

Football: Pau FC sank in Dunkirk

Football: Pau FC sank in Dunkirk

Transparent on Saturday night in Dunkirk, Bow FC suffered another defeat (1-0) away to a direct opponent for maintenance. To be corrected this Tuesday with Grenoble reception.

After the break, the locals are less accurate in recovering and coach Jamal Belhossein asks for a shot. Lartigue is in good shape, and goes on to score like M’Bappé, starting from the midfield (3-0, 54). Next, the top scorers will be Julian Rodriguez (controlling the shot) after a cross pass from Magdomadov (73) and Lino Kokimba (shooting goal) on a pass from Mamor (87th place). Meanwhile, Landais tried everything: in an unlikely cross shot, Enzo Rodriguez (68) was fired and after a mess, Benny cut the score to 4-2 (76th place). The Portuguese can be reassured. With this level of play, there is no problem for maintenance.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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