“No, there is no science of beauty!”

“No, there is no science of beauty!”

Cronkle – in reasons for artPhilosopher and writer Michel Onfray tackles the fascinating question of beauty standards.

To take a step back from the wrath of the world, I present to you a completely peaceful reflection in my companion book Michelle OnfrayAnd the reasons for art (in Albin Michel). Addressing the fascinating question of beauty standards, he declares that “Kant erroneously wrote that beauty is what universally satisfies without a concept“While he said”It is just the opposite: beauty is what pleases individually and with conceptNevertheless, I am convinced that Kant’s formula is not only remarkable, but, moreover, that Onfray must not anger if he wants to give it its true meaning.

What does that actually mean? First and foremost, “common sense” about beauty is created which leans toward the cosmic and does so “without concept,” since judgment of taste escapes any kind of scientific proof. Example: Bach and Mozart are played under all atmospheres despite this consensus, this “common sense” as it was said…

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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