It was somewhat forgotten after its release during the PS3 / Xbox 360 generation, Shaddai: Rise of the Metatron An unexpected comeback last year with the release ofPC version. studio a crime She doesn’t intend to stop there and would like to make this title known by making it accessible to as many audiences as possible, which is why she is now targeting Switch.
An unexpected new port
大 切 な お 話 が あ り ま す。
【重大 告知】 @Youtubeよ り# エ ル シ ャ ダ イ #convert # ル シ フ ェ ル # イ ー ノ ッ ク
– 竹 和 (Sawaki_Takeyasu) April 18 2022
Today the studio tells us that Shaddai: Rise of the Metatron You will get a Switch version In the coming weeks, without specifying when at the moment.
Crim intends to wait for the game’s eleventh anniversary, which takes place on April 28, to tell us more about this Switch release., through a presentation dedicated to this new edition. Everything says that this version will look somewhat like the one we recently discovered on PC, except in case it comes as a surprise.
If you want to know more about this atypical action game Shaddai: Rise of the MetatronDo not hesitate to consult Our last test for the PC version.