Call for projects for better health

Call for projects for better health

Tahiti, 25 April 2022 – The Ministry of Health has launched a call for projects as part of the Commune en santé scheme. Associations and local actors with projects that contribute to promoting the health of the population are invited to submit them before June 17th. The winners will receive a grant to implement their project, preferably over the long term.

Avec une prévalence du surpoids et de l’obésité au sein de la population polynésienne avec notamment 40% d’obèses et 30% en surpoids chez les adults, la Direction de la santé cherche des moyens d’agir dans la promotion a de la uprès population.
Thus, as it announced in a press release on Monday, it is launching a call for projects from partner local actors of the municipalities (associations, sports federations, fishermen, farmers, etc.) who are involved in providing an environment conducive to health. They like to draw on their experience and knowledge of the local context of “Propose appropriate and coherent solutions.”

This approach is part of the system healthy communityproposed to the 48 municipalities of French Polynesia, which “It aims to promote health at the municipal level, by implementing actions that positively affect people’s behaviour, their environment and their living conditions.” Healthy Communities implements actions around five main themes: local and balanced food, physical activity, addiction-free life, community well-being and environmental protection.

All partner associations of municipalities participating in the health promotion approach are invited to respond to this call for projects before 17 June. Projects will be considered “Contribute to the development of dynamics favorable to health in the territory of the municipality”. Procedures submitted “It has to be long-term and not precise in order to see lasting changes in the beneficiaries.” The winners will receive a grant to implement their project.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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