Bias and science

Bias and science

Recent news shows an increase in right-wing populism, intolerance and a proliferation of racist acts, no matter what country you are in. How do we fight these phenomena? For some, it is Ask the Canadian government To make January 29 a national day against hate and intolerance. This day will commemorate the bloody attack on a Quebec mosque two years ago.

For others, the Armand-Frappier Museum in Laval, a center for the interpretation of biosciences, has been hosting the exhibition since this fall. We and the others. From prejudice to racism. This is a Quebec adaptation of the exhibition Parisian It aims to better understand where our biases come from so that we can counteract them with the help of scientific data.

This exhibition remarkably showcases knowledge of human genetics – knowledge that asserts that we cannot talk about the “races” of humans.

Why do we tend to prefer our own group, those who are similar to us, and distrust others? Why are we always strangers to someone? Can science help fight these prejudices? Isabelle Bourgogne discusses it with:

“Categorizing” ourselves and others goes back to the dawn of history, remembers Richard Boorhees, and we began historically with what was most obvious: height, eye color, or skin color.

Classification is an economic and psychological way of dividing our social and human environment. It is a very practical way of processing information. We find it in all societies. – Richard Boorhees

Beyond these basic considerations, and beyond legal, ethical and moral considerations, it is not innocent to suggest that discrimination and stigmatization have health consequences: increased stress, mental health problems and even the heart.

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In solution mode: What is the toolbox for fighting prejudice and discrimination? inform? education? legislation?

What I’ve noticed is that people, from the moment we explain to them what, categorization, and what stereotype, bias is, we plant a little seed. – Martin Isabel


In the log: Like every week, we pass the mic to a science editor. this week, Yan Jiroua clinical nurse and master’s student at the University of Montreal, talks about “How to Cure a Cold.”


This is our last show of 2018! We’ll be back with new episodes in January!

I Vote for Science is broadcast on Mondays at 1 pm and Saturday at 11 am on the five regional stations in VM راديو Radio. Managed by Isabelle Bourgogne. Find this program: Isabelle Burgun. You can also listen to us on CHOQ-FM (Toronto), CIBO-FM (Senneterre), CFOU (Trois-Rivières), CIAX (Windsor), CHOW (Amos) and Radio Vermont.

On this page you will find links to shows from previous seasons. The birth of the show, in 2008, was accompanied by a nonpartisan political initiative of the same name: meet here. You can also follow us Twitter and on FB.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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