How do we explain the chemistry between two people? Study brings new elements

How do we explain the chemistry between two people?  Study brings new elements

Physical attraction can happen anywhere and at any time. Science hasn’t been able to pinpoint its exact origin, but this new study may very well explain it.

DrThe looks that meet in the room, the breath that stops, the skin that trembles… Effect physical attraction He is always amazing. If alchemy between two people was difficult to explain to science long ago, it seems that it is no longer so abstract…according to Article published in UK designer in June, Scientists theorize that there is a simple explanation for the chemistry of love: physical synchronicity.

A new study published Scientific Reports Shows that ‘gestures’ and ‘behaviours’ will be so In the origin of the famous “spark” between two people. To arrive at these findings, the study authors collected forty-six heterosexual people, About a quick and effective workout to say the least: Speed-Acquaintance. “During each five-minute appointment, the researchers tested the individuals’ nervous system,” says Stylist UK, reporting: “They also videotaped the appointments. To observe the corresponding movements and gestures.

Amazing results in the chemistry of love

Then the scientists discovered that The more harmony and synchrony between people, the more positively they evaluate partner Opposite. In this case, the experimenters explained that their “mutual sexual and romantic interest is high.” According to them, women are also more affected by their partner’s gestures and behaviours.

Several studies have already reported that romantic attraction between two people is linked to the hormones of well-being, namely: dopamine, adrenaline, and oxytocin. But This discovery about the origin of alchemy highlights the importance of “synchronicity” in social relations. Note for a future date!

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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