Created on December 1, 2021 by Dahana Marie Lubrien Delescarte, a graduate medical student at the University of Notre Dame Deity (UNDH), Action for a Generation of AIDS-Free Children (AGESS) has set itself the task of overseeing the medical and psychosocial care of HIV-infected and infected children. HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS. In fact, children are generally neglected when it comes to caring for individuals living with this virus. However, everyone knows how fragile children are in the therapeutic environment. This is why Dhana ML DELISCART has thrown herself body and soul into virus awareness and prevention within this sample of a highly susceptible population.

Although the association is barely seven months old, it has already undertaken many activities; Including an outreach session in January 2022 at the Sainte-Hélène orphanage in Kenscoff, an outreach and prevention session at Family Care at Delmas 75, Louisiana transitional children’s village in February 2022 and L’église Lae at Delmas 75 in April 2022. In March 2022 A video clip was posted on various social media platforms to draw the attention of the general public to AIDS prevention and awareness, especially among children.

Last May, the association’s intervention area expanded, this time reaching regional towns such as Hinche and Pignon. During the same month, the association launched a call for bids via social networks in order to expand its membership and expand its goals even further. At the end of the selection stages, 20 applications were selected from about 40 proposed applications. Those candidates who are committed as volunteers complete the list of the nine founding members of AGESS. They come from diverse backgrounds and many professional fields including medicine, psychology, social work, communication, management, and photography.

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On Friday, June 24th, they gathered at the Mauka Lounge in Pition Ville, in a friendly and warm atmosphere, and in one voice promised to put their availability and skills at the service of AGESS.

Their wishes were greeted with thunderous applause, embellished by the melodious tones of violinist Scodnes.

Hippolyte Quinol

Volunteer at AGESS

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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