Four driving offenses in one week

Four driving offenses in one week

On July 14, around 8:11 pm, a radar conducted at Saint-Livres, at a place called “La Sapinière”, revealed that a passenger car was traveling at 170 km/h (165 km/h thereafter). discount) instead of the authorized 80 km / h. The driver, a 19-year-old Swiss who lives in the canton of Jura, was denounced.

Vaudois police had already announced the case, but the list was extended because that same evening, a passenger car appeared on the A9 motorway, between Eagle and St Tryphon, at 224 km/h (219 km/h after the discount) instead. From 120 km / h authorized. The driver, a 52-year-old Portuguese who lives in Valais, was denounced.

The next day, around 3:56 a.m., one of his compatriots, who is 31 and also lives in Valais, was crammed into the same section. He was traveling at 239 km/h (234 km/h after deduction) instead of the authorized 120 km/h.

Finally, on July 21, around 8:29 p.m., a passenger car was traveling at 146 km/h (142 km/h after discount) instead of the 80 km/h authorized during a radar check conducted at Bremblins. The 23-year-old Swiss driver who is based in the Morges region has been denounced.

Driving is prohibited

The four motorists were interviewed in the presence of a court-appointed lawyer. They admitted the facts and were banned from driving. Criminal proceedings were opened by the Public Prosecution Office. Vaud Police calls on users to respect the restrictions. Excessive speed is one of the main causes of traffic accidents that claim the lives of many victims.

The offense of driving is punishable by imprisonment from one to four years, and the withdrawal of the driver’s license for at least two years. Not to mention the confiscation of the used car which can be pronounced by the ruling authority, the police should be called.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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