European Space Agency (ESA) images, captured with the Mars Express spacecraft’s (HRSC) high-resolution stereo camera, capture incredible detail from the view.
Unlike the Grand Canyon, carved on the banks of the river ColoradoValles Marineris is believed to have formed from drifting tectonic plates. This violent movement on Mars’ surface has created a canyon-like chasm, as evidenced by new images.
“When tectonic plates split, they seem to have caused the formation of jagged rocky triangles that look like a row of Tubarao teeth. Over time, these rock formations will collapse and erodeWrite to researchers new photos.
Valleys of Marineris
ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, which has been orbiting the planet Vermelho since 2003, zoomed in on two trenches that form part of West Valles Marineris: Ius Chasma and Tithonium Chasma. The photos not only capture amazing surface detail, but also display the amazing size of the trenches.
O Valles Marineris extends over 4000 km of pressure, 200 km long and 7 km deep – About ten times longer, twenty times longer and five times deeper than the Grand Canyonaccording to the statement gives it.
The pressure of Ius Chasma in the southern part of the valley is 840 km of pressure, while the pressure of Tithonium Chasma in the northern part is 805 km. to compare, The Grand Canyon is 446 km deep and just over 1.6 km deep. O Valles Marineris remotely opens from the northern tip of the island Norway At the southern tip of Sicily, according to the ad.
The European Space Agency’s view of the two Hawaiis captures the different features of the surface of Marsdark sand dunes caused by nearby volcanic activity, mountaintops eroded by wind, small outcrops probably formed from the evaporation of water that previously caused this deep depression, and Evidence of the recent landslide caused by the collapse of the wall of this gorge.
New discoveries near Valles Marineris show a series of similarities between this Martian valley and the Grand Canyon carved by the Colorado River.
Several spacecraft studying Valles Marineris will find evidence that liquid water can be filled or drained. Mars Express mission discovered signs of water-bearing sulfate minerals in Ius Chasma and Tithonium Chasma, while the ESA Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) probe, part of the ExoMars mission, detected water as ice on the surface of Candor. Chaos, located near the center of the huge strait system.