We can thank again around the waves Which allows us to meet around surfing movies.
You can see it this summer in different places in different cities:
+ At the beginning of the school year ParisAnd the ToulouseAnd the MarseilleAnd the NantesAnd the Brest…
* Screening with attendanceArthur Bourbon.
Reminder, The Road It is a documentary about a Bicycle surfing trip Along French Atlantic CoastTo meet people with inspiring life paths.
” The Road “ Both are movie aboutand f engagement documentary. tracks bike trip FromArthur Bourbonprofessional server and manager, from Basque Country to Brittany.
On the way, Arthur goes to meet surfers and ocean enthusiasts with inspiring commitments and life paths, while rediscovering the surf spots in French Atlantic Coast. Along the journey, the coastal landscapes follow one another and reveal themselves closely along the course path, like a forgotten treasure at the bottom of the garden. And nothing beats the rhythm of a bike to enjoy.
It is also an opportunity to discover initiatives and personalities through 6 selfies. How do you live more simply? How do they feed and produce differently? How do they move while reducing their impact? Sobriety or innovation? These issues, which are at the heart of all discussions of environment and climate issues, are addressed here in a positive and playful way. The intention above all is to show some examples and alternatives in order to activate these lines of thought. And of course the waves because they are above all a “Surfing Trip” !
Along “philodice”The famous bicycle route is the perfect opportunity to revisit the coast and discover some unknown gems. What better way to take advantage of the beautiful conditions in early fall?
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