Article, Shamanic Materials by Fernando Cabral at Bien Fait

Article, Shamanic Materials by Fernando Cabral at Bien Fait
Matter, Shamanic Materials by Fernando Cabral at Bien Fait

The wonderful translator Fernando Cabral, often seen at Dominique Brun, dress for Good !, Micadance Festival of Youth Creation, Multiple Selfie Calling All “Things”.

Don’t look, “matter” doesn’t exist in Portuguese. As a word anyway! It is a production that sounds like ‘material’, ‘mother’, ‘sea’, ‘mother’ … It is clear that, for Fernando Cabral, the main ‘order’ is the ‘mothers’ of his family, which he speaks of in a way… very immaterial. As you’ll see, in this show, it’s a lot about the sensations.

issue It unfolds like night giving way to day, but a summer’s day in full sun. It’s a long night, a mission where thoughts are heavy, they weigh in a very dark yellow sack, dragging themselves along. They slide over the cervix without breaking them, slipping over the stump before eventually letting go.

Armed with this thing, the dancer brings his gesture delicately and slowly, twisting the ribs which will lead him away, very far into a kinetic trance.

Gradually, the movement is accompanied by the well-written light of Séverine Rième. The jig gets fuller and more damaging too. The breath is heard and the simulated sound is allowed to escape. The idea of ​​beautiful possession creeps in

The steps are quoting from Brazilian folk writings while the eyes are contorted. all work issue It is the realization that entering another country in particular is a long journey. issue Doing good, he introduces us into vibrations in his samba-tinged flow.

He brings in the vicissitudes and relaxation of his grandmother’s healing rituals. In a gesture as elegant as it is symbolic, Cabral breaks the chains that hide the women under their (beautiful) scarves.

And we dream of seeing issue Much closer to being able to get better and more access to this entry in liberated and accurate trance. That’s fine, sometimes dreams come true, since tonight 6:30 pm the show is being performed outdoors. Go for it!

September 20 • 6:30 pm • Outside the Walls, on the principle

Fernando CabralAnd the Site issue. free entry . The show is preceded by a drink at 6 pm.

The Bien Fait Festival ends on the 21st with a very beautiful poster:

Wednesday September 21 • 8 pm • GRAND ÉCART – AT MICADANSE
Mary Jo FagianelliAnd the My heart slightly lessened…
Joachim MaudAnd the GG
Tania Laznikvacuum test (Fall in sight – Chapter 1) *

Videos: © Alexandra Dreyfus

See also  Mês de cinema com o Festival de Cinema Francês

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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