Titanic: Did Jack really have to die or did he belong at the wooden door with Kate? Science has decided!

Titanic: Did Jack really have to die or did he belong at the wooden door with Kate?  Science has decided!

25 years have passed since then Titanic It was shown in the cinema, 25 years ago Leonardo DiCaprio And Kate Winslet stole our hearts as Jack and Rose. But it may be a James Cameron classic that audiences still adore decades later, and one detail still haunts audiences. Jack, who has almost never been played by Leo on a whimDid he really have to die?

The end of Titanic is still debated 25 years later

After the Titanic sinks, a young man sacrifices himself so that his sweetheart will survive, leaving her alone to climb onto a wooden door that doubles as a raft, while he dies of hypothermia in the frigid waters of the Atlantic. Except that for 25 years, fans haven’t let go. According to them, there was a place on that cursed door for Jack to climb on it too alongside Rose and for the two of them to survive! Since 1997, many of them have criticized the director for denying them their happy ending with an ending that wasn’t very credible. In fact, Jack would not have had to die if, they claim, Rose had made a place for him on her makeshift raft.

Science to the rescue

Long after claiming his character had to die for technical reasons, James Cameron set out to prove that Jack couldn’t have survived anyway. And an end to speculations and complaints from fans TitanicUse drastic measures. In full promotion of his movie Avatar: WaterwayThe director revealed to the Canadian newspaper Toronto Sun : “We conducted a scientific experiment to end the discussion and put an end to this issue once and for all.”. As for his films, James Cameron did not skimp on the means. “We conducted a comprehensive forensic analysis with a hypothermic expert who reproduced the raft from the film”reveal.

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So did Jack really have to die?

Two hapless actors with the same body mass as Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio were then fitted with sensors all over their bodies and then placed in freezing water. We ran tests to see if they could survive in different ways and the answer was that there was no way they could both survive. Only one person can survive.says the director. For the curious, this scientific experiment was the subject of a documentary that will be broadcast in February 2023 on the National Geographic Channel. “Maybe…maybe…after 25 years, I won’t be bothered by it anymore.”James Cameron concluded with a laugh.

He was asked about the topic on the podcast happy sad confused On Saturday, December 17, 2022, Kate Winslet shares the director’s opinion: Jack could not survive, even if he climbed up the wooden door with Rose. “Yes, there was room for him on that door, but he wouldn’t have stayed floating. She wouldn’t have kept going.”Thus confirms the person who was He was severely criticized for his weight when you exit Titanic. For the actress, if the two lovers climbed into the makeshift raft, the door would quickly become unstable and they would end up slammed. You have to accept it: Jack had to die for Rose to live.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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