A plane stops landing and takes off again

A plane stops landing and takes off again

And on Friday, in Washington, I took pictures of a plane that aborted its landing and took off again in order to better resume its maneuver.

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What Dominique Daoust, pilot and commander, explained is that “For normal mortals it’s very impressive to see a plane come back like that, but for us it’s something we practice on the simulator over and over again. It’s an almost natural maneuver.”

Mr. Daoust explains that if the pilot considers that he will not be able to reach the target on the runway, he proceeds with a simple climb.

“It’s math,” he says.

When weather conditions are difficult, additional fuel is scheduled accordingly, allowing the pilot to reattempt the landing.

The storm continues to cause several delays at airports.

Mr. Daoust explained that the worst conditions on the whole trip were neither wind nor snow, but rather a combination of the two.

“It’s unfortunate that the timing of it all falls through the Christmas holidays,” he said.

Airlines will have a hard time recovering from this. […] One delay begets another. It’s hard to make up for that delay, even if the storm is over.

According to Dominique Daoust, it can take up to a week to return to normal.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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