The flu starts again | Sironit

The flu starts again |  Sironit

not finished ! The influenza epidemic in France is on the rise again due to a rare strain of the virus: Victoria B virus. The majority of influenza viruses circulating in France are type B Victoria and are not included in the vaccine formulation currently available, according to various media outlets, including AFP. Although not the most virulent, influenza B particularly affects young adults. Selon Christine Campese, epidemiologist in Santé publique France, city by Le Point, la souche « this diffuse surtout chez les enfants », a partie of the population that avait jusqu’ici évité the virus « and that is indemne vis-a-vis it The latter.” “These are sparse waves […] It’s been a long time since we’ve seen this flu. It is very difficult because it can contaminate people who are already infected [attrapé] Flu in October by giving all possible flu symptoms: high fever, body aches, etc. said infectious disease specialist Benjamin Davido. The seasonal influenza vaccination campaign was extended for the first time until February 28, and the seasonal influenza vaccination campaign was extended again until March 31, 2023. Until now, the annual influenza vaccination was mainly recommended for the elderly, that is, everyone over the age of 65 . A recent opinion of the High Commission for Health recommends vaccinating young children; It marks a change within health authorities, after years of debate about the individual and collective interest in vaccinating children against influenza. From now on, it is recommended to vaccinate children … especially to protect the elderly.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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