Eleventh of the weekend – the future

Eleventh of the weekend – the future


Matteo Zanelli (Libin) Zelezny (former Olympic javelin champion, for starters), Zelensky or Zanelli: It’s all about long-range strikes. It no longer says Zanelli, but Cannonball Z!

The Defenders

Oliver Schmidt (mix) His third red card already this season, added to his five yellow cards. In the Schmidt family, we are butchers from father to son. Some in the professional life, others in the field…

Thomas Schroeder (USCHAMP) Recover save at the end of the game. and Grandvoir who thought a giant piece of cloth would be enough to shelter him.

Frank Giunta (Jeffrey) Whistle at the mouth, it took him years to get up to the D1 Amateur. Ball in the foot, only a few weeks to go from reserve to D3 ACFF. And we are still surprised by the lack of rulers?

middle of the road

Leah Hattert (Saint Aud) Paradox of the weekend: Two goals fell to Hattert and the whole team kicks off.

Paulo Chambelle (ATOS) It is said that the Portuguese excel in construction. So it wasn’t the little wall of Tontelange that would risk frightening him.

Henry Doyen (Uchamps B) One target from the right, one from the left, and one from the head. Shoulder and knee, they will probably be for the next game.


Lick Martin (Tornish) Like what, it wasn’t just “La Clairière” that was handed out by the dozens last weekend.

Samuel Mueller (La Roche) An ugly goal, but one that paid off big. In the 1970s, it was called by Bayern fans and others Mueller-style goal.

Mike Ludriguez (Petitevoire) Three goals, an assist, and a penalty kick to win 5-1. At the age of 32, Magic Mike has yet to perform his last dance. He is still able to deliver some knockdowns.

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Abdoulaye Ndiaye (Freylange) Following the Walking Football (or Walking Football), born in England in 2011, Eric Picart Wondiaye presents a sitting football. I’m not sure it will have the same success.

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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