Idris Al-Karawi is a guest on the literary stations

Idris Al-Karawi is a guest on the literary stations

Morocco and Portugal enjoy historical and calm relations. However, according to Idris Al-Karawi, a member of the Portuguese Academy of Sciences, the two peoples are unaware of this common heritage that has lasted for more than three centuries. To see more clearly, the professor conducted an in-depth study that presented readers of his latest book with cross-cutting opinions on Moroccan-Lusitan cooperation.

Idris KarawiPresident of the Open University Dakhla and the African Economic Intelligence Associations Forum, he was the third guest in the literary stations he participated in organizing Morning Book ClubAnd sochpress and the Rabat Rose Garden Sofitel Hotel. These meetings are a collective initiative in its second edition, which was organized on the sidelines of SIEL. Professor Gharawi came to show his guests his latest book entitled “.Moroccans and Portuguese, Crossing Views“.

Both Moroccans and Portuguese ignore the depth of their shared history

The genesis of this book, which will soon be translated into Arabic and Portuguese, dates back to 2017, during a trip the author made to Portugal. During this visit, at the invitation of the country’s Academy of Sciences, Professor Al-Karawi made a number of remarks that challenged him on the image the Portuguese had of Morocco and vice versa. In fact, he notices ignorance among their people Shared history And the common heritage that lasted for more than three and a half centuries. He also referred to the extraordinary ability, admiration and pride of the Portuguese people for the appropriateness of the features of the Arab-Islamic civilization and their commitment to preserving them. However, despite the shared history, the partnership remains below current potential. However, it indicates the possibility of strengthening these relations in the wake of the agreements ratified during the past A high-level meeting between the two countries was held last May.

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The idea to study how Moroccans view their neighbors to the northwest came to the mind of Le Matin book club guest, who thus decided to study the matter more closely, with supporting characters. The first indicator that would have been decisive for the professor was the Moroccans’ perception of Portuguese colonization, which is different from what they see from the presence of Spain or France, the guest notices immediately. According to him, this view of a colonized country changes over time. On this point, the author wanted to point out the great lack of writings on the history of the two countries on the part of Morocco. However, he claims to have found the wonders among the Portuguese, reflecting their connection to this heritage. In this regard, the author notes that there are approximately 50,000 words of Arabic origin in the Portuguese language.

The main findings of the survey conducted by the author, who claims to have mobilized the collective intelligence of renowned researchers and experts for this purpose, have been shared with the public. Here are the highlights:

How did you know Portugal? Through school, history and/or the media. Only 1.3% of the respondents said that they know the country through some economic activities.

What are the reasons that prompted you to visit Portugal? Mainly for tourism, 12.9% for business and only 1% for studies.

What is your association with this country? 91.8% of Moroccans say they “love” Portugal and the Portuguese. By comparison, El Karaoui points out that only 60% of Moroccans say they “love” Spain.

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Your perception of Portuguese colonization? – 45% maintain a positive image and 54.5% have a negative one. This is a paradox for the author. “Portuguese colonialism is not arrogant and deceitful and less mercantile. This is an observation that can be explained by the view that the Portuguese have of their own history: a more peaceful and conciliatory view because, for them, the conquest of the world was primarily motivated by religion.”

What is the Moroccans’ perception of the political and economic situation in Portugal? 22.6% of Moroccans consider it a developing country. However, 60.3% of Moroccans consider Portugal to be a democratic country.

These observations lead the professor to a key conclusion: There is a great lack of mutual knowledge, even though the human, political and historical basis for strengthening bilateral relations is solid. The two countries are making progress in many areas and the current situation bodes well for strengthening bilateral relations, especially since the potential is there, particularly in the renewable energy sector. I also see that elites and states are 10 or more years behind companies and businesses. But it must be emphasized that expectations are high in terms of diversification and strengthening of relations on the part of the two peoples,” explains the book club guest.

Read also: Relations between Portugal and Morocco, stable and reliable partner, are excellent (Antonio Costa)

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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