A Portuguese village hit by a flood… red wine

A Portuguese village hit by a flood… red wine

Raw alcohol

The distillery confirms that it will undertake the clean-up and repairs related to this incident

Seeing the end of the world. Flood The village of Sao Lourenço do Bairro was unusually flooded on Sunday (Portugal). After two vats exploded in a distillery, the city's streets were filled with… red wine.

In total, 2.2 million liters of red wine were produced Dumped On the streets of the village, according to reports Mission. several Videos Social networking sites reported details of the incident, as the red liquid appeared sliding in the streets and infiltrating homes. One of them has already been viewed more than eight million times.

The distillery apologizes

No injuries were reported, but the floods caused significant material damage after wine invaded the cellars and gardens of many residents. It also led to the flooding of the main road and neighboring roads in the town HuffPost. According to the local press, part of the wine was recovered and taken to a wastewater treatment plant.

Local authorities believe they have avoided the worst. Indeed, an environmental catastrophe could have occurred if the wine had reached the waters of the Sertima River and contaminated it. He points out that the distillery that owned the two basins apologized after the incident Southwest. She called on the affected residents to come forward and confirmed that she would repair and clean the damage.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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