📡 This model assumes that the universe does not contain dark matter, and respects observations

📡 This model assumes that the universe does not contain dark matter, and respects observations

The precise nature of the universe is a question that fascinates and challenges scientists.

A study from the University of Ottawa, published in Astrophysical Journalcalls into question the accepted structure of the universe, which would include Substantia nigra (In astrophysics, dark matter (or dark matter), translation from English…) In addition to Theme (Matter is the substance of which any body that has a tangible reality is composed. It is…) Normal andenergy (In a general sense, energy refers to everything that allows us to perform work, produce energy, etc.) black. This new model, developed by Rajendra Gupta, Professor physical (Physics (from the Greek φυσις, nature) is etymologically…)is based on the association of the theories of variable coupling constants (CCC) and “a light (Light is all electromagnetic waves visible to the eye…) Tired” (TL), referred to as the CCC+TL model.

📡 This model assumes that the universe does not contain dark matter, and respects observations
The universe has expanded since then the great explosion (The Big Bang is the dense and hot era that the universe witnessed…) Even we have days (A day or day is the period between sunrise and sunset, which is…) According to the current model.
picture Wikimedia

The CCC+TL model assumes that the forces of nature diminish over cosmic time and that light loses energy over long distances. This approach offers an alternative explanation for the distribution Galaxies (Galaxies is a French quarterly magazine dedicated to science fiction. With…) Light evolved from the early universe, without resorting to dark matter. This hypothesis contradicts the traditional view that the universe is made up of approximately 27% dark matter, less than 5% ordinary matter, and the rest is dark energy. The study is based on the analysis of recent data on the distribution of galaxies at low transitions towards red (Red has different definitions, depending on the color system we use…) And on the angular size ofHorizon (In theory, the horizon is the maximum limit of what we can observe, because of its own limit…) Sound at the beginning of the universe. these Notes (Observation is observing phenomena attentively, without wanting to…)compared to the CCC + TL model, suggests that the universe could be like this passes (The genus Trans was created by the French zoologist Mathurin Jacques…) Dark matter to explain its expansion and structure.

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This finding opens the door to a new understanding of the universe, by questioning the role attributed to dark matter and dark energy in its expansion. Instead, he puts forward the idea that this expansion could be due to weakening forces of nature.

Gupta points out that this study confirms the results of previous work indicating that the universe may be older than previously thought, which reinforces the idea that standard cosmology may need revision. His work represents an important step forward in questioning the cosmological existence of dark matter, while being consistent with major cosmological observations.

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