Twelve: The Portuguese team celebrated the Virgin of Fatima in the village

Twelve: The Portuguese team celebrated the Virgin of Fatima in the village
The procession was a highly anticipated moment.
Lady Moonrebot

In Fatima, Portugal, parades are held in honor of Fatima on May 13. The Portuguese group La Douze preferred to wait until the weekend to celebrate the Virgin of Fatima around Mass with Fathers Bruno de Pero and Lino Ferreira, who hosted this celebration in Portuguese.

400 people to honor the Virgin Mary Fatima

This was the second year that the Portuguese population group of La Doze organized this party, which brought together about 400 people this year. This evening included a mass, a procession, musical entertainment, and games for children. Nathalie da Silva and Fernanda Morgado, activists within the group, were keen to bring together Portuguese, French, Spanish and other nationalities around this corporate moment. “The celebration of Our Lady of Fatima cannot take place without also celebrating Saint Pierre Lien, the patron saint of the Church of La Douse.

In addition, last year, the idea for this pilgrimage came from parents of children working in the field of Christian education. “We are thinking of including this fraternal event in the calendar of events at La Douz,” says Nathalie da Silva. Not all Portuguese residing in La Douz and the surrounding area can go to Fatima to attend this celebration. »

Lady Moonrebot
In the village square, statues were placed with a moment of collective singing.
Lady Moonrebot

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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