Google, Content, and Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Opportunities in SEO

Google, Content, and Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Opportunities in SEO

Google has dealt a major blow with the release of the 2024 Core Update, the stated goal of which is to better identify unoriginal or low-quality content. As the search engine announced, via A I reportedWe want to reduce this type of content that pollutes the web by 40%.

It must be said that since the democratization of artificial intelligence – ChatGPT at the forefront – in the daily life of organizations trying to develop their presence on search engines, the production of web content has continued to grow. According to the Center for Influencer Marketing, 44% of companies have adopted artificial intelligence To produce content for marketing purposes.

With content being one of the foundations of organic SEO, some websites have quickly adopted its massive generation via AI. A risky strategy, it's easy for Google to recognize when this content is not relevant, useful and original.

Par Mathieu Barascou, CEO & Founder de l'agence SEO hyffen

Google doesn't want to promote low-quality content

For brands who still have doubts about Google's penalties for bad content, there are very concrete examples.

This is the case of a website that allows you to generate summaries of Youtube videos using artificial intelligence.

The publication of millions of pages in record time attracted the attention of Google bots, which judged the content to be insufficiently qualitative to deserve its place on the results pages. a result ? The site's audience has decreased significantly.

The 2024 core update is a continuation of Google's mission, to always promote better quality content and thus the results provided to Internet users.

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Also, to design an effective natural referencing strategy, it is very necessary to provide useful and relevant content to internet users.

The good news is that AI is still a crutch to that end.

Putting artificial intelligence at the service of content

Contrary to popular belief and as pointed out SearchEngineLandUsing AI to create content is not penalized by Google per se.

Moreover, how can a search engine penalize the technology it publishes as well? : Amnesty International twin.

Therefore, AI can be considered a tool available to marketing and SEO professionals to improve the content creation process. Provided that the latter really helps Internet users in their navigation and reading journey.

AI is an effective tool for digging deeper into a topic, cross-referencing data, grouping texts, etc. It is also a great way to check that the content captures all aspects of the topic being covered.

But to help Google promote content better, it must be equipped with the assurance of basic human expertise.

Need for expertise and people to promote content

This can include highlighting authors, who should be specialists in the topic being covered.

Likewise, the power of an expert author would improve what… Google calls EEAT.(Experience, expertise, credibility, trust).

Although this list of criteria does not directly affect the SEO performance of web pages, it allows Google to ensure that Content is people firstValuable content in search results.

Content promotion by Google can also be achieved through other tools.

Such as the intervention of an expert in written articles, in the form of a quote or testimony. A very powerful tool for Your Money and Life (YMYL) articles, which discuss all the topics that affect the daily lives of Internet users, such as finances or health. Content for which Google needs to verify that the information provided to it is not misleading.

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In short, brands that want to maintain their online visibility in 2024 have a great interest in paying more attention to their SEO strategy in order to produce useful and relevant content for internet users, while risking seeing their web pages lose ground. On Google. To do this, they can rely on AI support, provided they rely on basic human expertise.

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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