Participation in combating the spread of the tiger mosquito

Participation in combating the spread of the tiger mosquito

Neuchâtel wants to slow the arrival of the tiger mosquito on its territory. On Friday, in a press release, the authorities called on residents to participate in the gender census by reporting National platform The appearance of suspicious insects. To combat this scourge, one measure is to eliminate the tiger mosquitoes' favorite nesting sites: stagnant water points in urban areas such as irrigation cans, unmaintained gutters, or holes in walls. Meanwhile, the canton's Wildlife, Forest and Nature Service (SFFN) has been monitoring using six strategically placed nesting traps since 2019. The insect will be considered confirmed when eggs are detected for two consecutive years in these nesting traps.

It is not a public health problem yet

The tiger mosquito is smaller than a five-cent coin and can be identified by its black and white stripes on its legs and the white stripe that crosses its chest and head. It carries diseases such as dengue fever, Zika virus, and chikungunya. In recent months, the Cantonal Public Health Service (SCSP) has noticed a slight increase in dengue cases in people returning from travel to countries affected by this disease. However, these cases do not yet constitute a public health problem, as long as the tiger mosquito has not established itself in the area.

Additional information is available at Canton website. /comm-cdf

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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