In Gare and Hérault, horse pollution is increasing and the situation is alarming today.
The situation is urgent. The West Nile continues to spread in an alarming way in Hérault and the Gard. Cédric Gassis of the Ecuries de la Chantalette in Marsillargues in Hérault himself is showing neurological symptoms of the virus without yet knowing if he is infected (he was tested and has been waiting for the results for several days).
A Herault breeder lost a horse and, out of 28 people tested, 26 tested positive for the virus. In a letter to the LR-RN deputy for the 9th arrondissement of Herault, Charles Aloncle, he warns of the urgency of the situation with the return of mosquitoes and is concerned that no mosquito control is being carried out despite his requests to the competent authorities.This situation is made even more serious because our horses are particularly susceptible to West Nile Virus, a virus that is fatal in many cases! He writes.
Mosquito control
The MP, who met with several breeders at the beginning of the week, has also informed the prefecture of Hérault. He calls in particular for an emergency campaign to combat mosquitoes, the establishment of a 7-day-a-week laboratory guard service, compensation measures and the creation of a strategic stock of vaccines.
Remember that several horses have died in Gard and Hérault since the end of summer and three cases of infection have been detected in humans.