A complete home for Science Kazer!

A complete home for Science Kazer!

This is called success. Scientific course “Scientists of Science!” It was proposed by the Media Library, and first recorded on the national website of the Fête de la Science, unanimously. “Throughout October, the library mobilized the media for the exchange of knowledge between researchers and citizens. It united exchanges between scientific, cultural and educational actors locally and regionally. The goal was to participate in the national event for scientific culture. To promote awareness and discovery of science and its challenges, and to promote activities for all audiences in the library and beyond: science Popularity, interesting science workshops, meetings, performances, concerts … “explains the media library team. The goal was achieved, as the audience responded to this great event: 193 pupils (classes CM1-CM2); 44 students in middle school (3rd grade); 100 high school students (science classes) and more than 400 people participated in concerts, performances, workshops, exhibitions, performances, etc. A collective success since about twenty partners have participated: “We thank the scientists (two researchers from CERFACS, one from INRAE, one from CNRS, one from Paul Sabatier University, one from Société Herpétologique de France), and scientific cultural mediators (Haute-Garonne Environment, Planète Sciences, Les chemins buissonniers, FREDD), National Education (Le Plantaurel Prep, Martin Malvy High School, Hourride, Capucins, Lavelanet-de-Comminges, de Boussens, de Palaminy), Locals (Maison Garonne), cinema des capucins, CAP Jeunes) as well as members of the National Orchestra of the Capitol”.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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