A historic Portuguese club is changing its logo

A historic Portuguese club is changing its logo

Keen to establish a clear difference between its logo and that of SL Benfica, CD Santa Clara is preparing for a makeover. The Azores Club, which had launched and then abandoned the idea of ​​changing its logo during the year 2020, finally returned it to the table at the end of December 2023. The President of the General Assembly, Eduardo Medeiros, explained at the same time that the club needed a new logo that reflects its history and identity.

To do this, the competition was open to everyone and participants had until January 31 to submit their works. Out of 154 proposals, three were selected. It will now be up to the Sócios to vote in the General Assembly. If the date for this General Assembly has not yet been set, the current leader of the Portuguese Second Division has announced that his team will wear the badge that will be the most popular as of next season.

For your information, before adopting a logo almost identical to Benfica's in 1937, Santa Clara's symbol was… a lion. But upon request The Azoreans To become one of its affiliates and managers Encarnados He called for it to be removed due to its resemblance to the Sporting Lisbon lion. no sooner said than done.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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