A life dedicated to science fiction

A life dedicated to science fiction

The first teacher of French in the Paris region, this fond of literature and science fiction emerged…

Initially a French teacher in the Paris region, this fond of literature and science fiction made a name for himself in 1973 by winning the ORTF Prize for his novel “La Machination”. This distinction led to his appointment as editor at Gallimard to develop the Folio Junior SF range.

It was then television that opened his arms to him: after adapting “Rahan” for the small screen of the Canal + channel, he worked on the script of the animated series “Les Mondes engloutis” (52 episodes), which was broadcast between 1985 and 1987. Also worked literary criticism , with four articles on science fiction.

Bergerac in the heart

In 1990 he certainly packed his bags with his family to settle in Le Fleix, near Bergerac. Also very close to his friend Michel Giuri, the famous science fiction author. Christian Grenier has devoted himself to his career as an author, with works that borrow as much from science fiction as from thrillers.

Christian Grenier is surrounded by the conference organizers.

Christian Grenier is surrounded by the conference organizers.

TJ / “Southwest”

We owe him in particular two Rageot children’s book series: “Hercule, Police cat” (nine books, 8 years old) and “Zed, agent IA” (two volumes, 10 years old). Not forgetting, for the elderly, the investigations of the heroine of the program, in which he does not hesitate to neglect references to Bergeracois: “My novel, ‘L’Ordinatueur’, is nothing but the story of Bridoire Castle,” he said.

A great Cyrano expert (read below), he also tells the story at “@ssassin.net”. “It is a police investigation into a virtual world recreated, he says, in Paris in 1654, where the heroine goes to meet the real Cyrano de Bergerac to try to unravel his killer…”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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