A NASA probe has photographed an object in front of Jupiter's Great Red Spot

A NASA probe has photographed an object in front of Jupiter's Great Red Spot

On March 7, the mission JunoJuno Subordinate NASANASA Fly high JupiterJupiter Close up 59H Once. He sent researchers new and valuable pictures StormsStorms Which revolves aroundAtmosphereAtmosphere From the gas giant planet. Including the famous Great Red Spot. And surprise! On one of them, A. is treated astronomerastronomer Hobbyist, Gerald Eichstadt, shows a mysterious black spot.

A small moon on a giant planet

Mysterious, it didn't stay that way for long. Because researchers quickly identified it as corresponding to Amalthea, which is small moonmoon Jupiter. It has the form A potatopotato Not more than 250 over 130 kilometers. However, it is the fifth largest of the giant planet's 95 known moons. It can be seen here more than 180,000 kilometers from the summit cloudsclouds Jupiter and against the background of A Big red spotBig red spot 12,500 km (about the size of Earth).

Note that Amalthea is the reddest body in our solar system. Observations also indicate that this moon gives more heatheat They do not receive any sunsun. Perhaps a result Electrical currentsElectrical currents Caused in essence by the powerful magnetic fieldmagnetic field Jupiter. Or other restrictions TidesTides From gravitygravity Subordinate Giant planetGiant planet Close.

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

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