no reset and The Virtual Guardians Foundation unite for NoReset2, a gaming event for all ages and genders of gamers, with a speed marathon at its heart where expert gamers finish video games in record time. The goal is to raise money for the benefit Virtual Guardians Foundation.
Image credit: Christina Lemieux – All the crazy photography
Donations collected during this event will be used to create and launch the platform District An online platform for young people between the ages of 14-25, created by the Virtual Guardians Foundation Its mission is to be an online beacon for people in distress as well as to promote the healthy and responsible use of digital technology.
What is this?
A gaming event for everyone and a quick marathon with invited expert players.
In the area:
- lan zone games on pc
- Indy Lotto Quebec Region (with beanbags!)
- Free games section on consoles
- Board games area
- Arcade section
March 10-12, 2023
On site at Doubletree by Hilton Point Claire
during the purchase ticket here.