A scientific conference on the age of the Earth in Mulhouse

A scientific conference on the age of the Earth in Mulhouse

After a successful first edition in 2019, the National Bible and Science Conference returns for its second edition on October 28 and 29 in Mulhouse. Scientists specializing in their discipline (biology, geophysics, physics, etc.) as well as theologians will, during this meeting, be interested in the age of the Earth.

Second National Conference on the Bible and Science In Mulhouse, at the Porte Ouverte church building from October 28-29 on the theme: “The Age of the Earth in Question.” Scientific conference open to all.

“From kindergarten to university, we are told that the Earth is very ancient. It would have taken millions and millions of years to form mountains, valleys and strata – and man would finally become one animal among others, resulting from a very slow ‘evolution’ through the ages. Adam, Garden of Eden, Original Sin, the Flood around the world and the biblical chronology would thus be mere myths”, can we read on the website of this event that asserts that “Scientists are constantly discovering new evidence to the contrary!”.

For two days, several scientists and theologians will engage, including John Baumgardner, PhD, a geophysicist from the University of California who received the Scientific Medal from NASA as well as genomic biologist Andre Eggen, or apologist Patrick Vaucler. This is a divisive topic.

Organized under the impetus of a small group of French-speaking scholars and thinkers, the first edition of the National Conference on the Bible and Science, which took place in Mulhouse at the end of 2019, has exceeded the expectations of the organizers by gathering more than 600 people. From all over France and abroad.

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According to them, this meeting marked an “important turning point”, as they decided to acquaint the public with the “indisputable arguments in favor of the biblical narrative” revealed by many scientific disciplines.

“At a time when the story of Genesis is dismissed, or taken as a semi-mythical or occult allegorical text, it is necessary to bring out the truth.”

To learn more about the Bible and our origins, meet on the 28th and 29th of October in Mulhouse. Note that registrations are open until October 25.

Camille Westphal Perrier

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"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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