A scientific expedition to better understand and protect the coast

A scientific expedition to better understand and protect the coast

A team of about 60 scientists concluded a marine expedition last week to study the coast off Lisbon in order to protect a marine area best known to date.”completely unknownAccording to the promoters of this initiative.

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Divers from the Oceano Azul Foundation monitor the sea floor off the coast of Cascais, on October 2 in Portugal.

We can only protect what we know. This expedition is the first step to this knowledge’,” said Secretary of State for the Seas, Jose Maria Costa, at the end of the twelve-day mission aboard the Santa Maria Manuel, a white four-masted schooner.

The expedition was organized by the Oceano Azul Foundation, which operates the Lisbon Aquarium, at the request of the municipalities of Cascais, Sintra and Mafra, located on the Atlantic coast west of the Portuguese capital.

Despite its proximity, the area still stands.”completely unknownEmmanuel Gonçalves, the scientific coordinator of this expedition in which about 150 people participated, including 58 researchers from seven different entities.

Its main goal isEventually create a marine protected areaOff the coast of Lisbon, a researcher from the Oceano Azul Foundation identifies.

Work on a former cod boat, built in 1937 to catch cod in the frozen waters of Newfoundland, notably made it possible to map a portion of the sea floor.

They also provided the opportunity to study the biodiversity of these waters, starting with the observation of some “50 kinds of fish, 30 kinds of macroalgae, and 200 kinds of invertebratesAccording to the first evaluation.

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In the coming months, this information will enable the drafting of a report that includes a series of recommendations on coastal management, which will be submitted to the Portuguese government.

Knowledge of this marine area is essential, not only for the protection of natural resources, but also for the promotion of economic activities.From the region, such as fishing or tourism, confirms Pedro Antonio do Carmo Silva, Vice Mayor of Mafra.


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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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