A study found that there was a sharp rise in fatal heart attacks on this day of the week

A study found that there was a sharp rise in fatal heart attacks on this day of the week

More than 10,500 Irish patients admitted to hospital with a serious type of heart attack took part in a new statistical study. According to the results, the first day of the work week is associated with the peak incidence of this heart attack.

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Work is health? It probably has nothing to do with your cardiovascular system, according to a new study presented today at a conference British Cardiovascular Society, in Manchester, UK. It reveals that serious heart attacks are more frequent on Mondays, which is the start of the working week for the majority of the population.

If we know a phenomenon Blue Monday (Monday in January is considered the gloomiest day of the year), his explanations remain imperfect. For cardiovascular disease, researchers have shown an association with the circadian rhythm, that is, the wakefulness cycle and SleepsSleeps from the organism. ST-elevation infarction (the most severe type of seizure occurring in a arteryartery Complete occlusion of the main coronary artery) would be maximal towards the end of the morning, even if the cause was likely multifactorial.

Some days are deadlier than others

To find this strong statistical association between the start of the workweek andimpactimpact About this heart attack, doctors analyzed data on more than 10,500 patients from Ireland who were admitted to hospital between 2013 and 2018 for this type of heart attack. The researchers found a peak in heart attack rates at the beginning of the work week, especially on Mondays. Rates were also higher than expected on Sunday.

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The statement states that in the UK more than 30,000 people are hospitalized each year after a myocardial infarctionmyocardial infarction with ST segment elevation. ” This study provides more evidence about when particularly severe heart attacks occur, but now we need to understand what makes certain days of the week more likely to have heart attacks. It could help clinicians better understand this deadly disease and save more lives in the future Professor Sir Nilesh Samani said.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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