About ten classes set out from the area to discover hydrology

About ten classes set out from the area to discover hydrology

Education. This fall, ten high school and elementary school classes located in the Yamaska ​​River watershed were immersed in the wonderful world of water science thanks to educational programs I embrace the trend And Climbing action. These initiatives enabled 233 male and female students to participate in educational enrichment activities.

Equipped with scientific equipment, the students explored the banks of the Yamaska ​​River and its tributaries. They conducted physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses, while sampling macroinvertebrates (insects, worms, crustaceans and mollusks that live at the bottom of waterways), which are crucial indicators of the health of waterways.

The students came from the schools of Haute-Ville and College Mont-Sacré-Cœur (Granby), Wilfrid-Léger (Waterloo), Jean-Jacques-Bertrand (Farnham), and Paul-Germain-Ostiguy (Saint-Césaire). School children from the schools of Saint-Famille (Granby), La Chantignole and Saint-Vincent Ferrer (Bromont) also participated in this programme.

The scientists in the herb have a beneficiary of the expertise in the organ system of the human body (OBV) Yamaska, which makes it possible to enter the results of the analyses, the doctor, and the index of the biological system. Watercourse. “We would like to thank the Water Education and Environmental Monitoring Group, as well as local donors: without this contribution, these educational activities for ten groups of students would not have been possible,” said Head of Educational Activities at OBV Yamaska, Caroline Côté. -LaRose.

Educational programs I embrace the trend And Climbing action They are initiatives of the Group on Water Education and Environmental Monitoring (G3E), of which OBV Yamaska ​​is the regional coordinator. The Yamaska ​​OBV, as a consultative table commissioned by the Government of Quebec, develops and promotes a water master plan (PDE) while monitoring its implementation, in collaboration with water stakeholders from the Yamaska ​​River watershed. The OBV mission and PDE goals are part of the sustainable water management perspective.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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