Accommodation. In Portugal, forced sharing is increasing

Accommodation.  In Portugal, forced sharing is increasing

“More and more couples are sharing a room with their children with people they don't even know,” This was reported on Friday, March 29th espresso Natalia NunesCoordinator of the Financial Protection Office of the Deco Association. The families who rent the room from them agree to this because they need additional income.” Citing a new study conducted by the National Institute of Statistics, the newspaper announced that the number of Portuguese living in overcrowded housing jumped by 40% in 2023.

The weekly confirms that this is the largest increase in twenty years. This reality now concerns 1.3 million people (12.9% of the population), 370,000 more than the previous year. In fact, more and more couples with children are returning to their parents or making their sofa available to family members who no longer know where to go, or worse, in case “Total despair” Who borrow to pay the deposit and the first months rent to secure the tenancy.

Consequences of golden visas

the reasons ? “Inflation, rising rents and increasing monthly mortgage payments partly explain worsening housing overcrowding in Portugal.” continuous espresso. Despite families' efforts to reduce their spending, their savings rate has never been lower, according to the Bordata database.

In a second article, espresso He confirms, citing a recent scientific publication by Institute of Labor Economics, Germanypublished by the European Tax Observatory, which has been known for several years: “Golden visas contributed to the rise in real estate prices.” Since the implementation of this program (which has generated €7 billion in nearly ten years), the number of properties sold for €500,000 has increased by 60%.

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espresso He points to two main reasons: increased demand from non-European investors seeking a visa and the fact that the value of many properties have been inflated so that they fall within the framework of the programme.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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