According to science, this relaxing and effortless activity can make you lose up to 12 kg Grazia

According to science, this relaxing and effortless activity can make you lose up to 12 kg Grazia

Losing weight is not always synonymous with moving and warming up or an accelerated heart rate, quite the opposite. According to a study, this daily and necessary activity for our body would be ideal for losing weight. And if some are fond of it, others skip it even though this activity is necessary.

It is possible to lose weight while you sleep (more)!

Oh yeah, you read it right! Sleeping more would promote weight loss. These are the conclusions revealed in a survey conducted by American researchers. This reveals that sleeping well can lose nearly 12 kg! It is almost a dream to discover that falling into the arms of Morpheus would be just as effective as suffering from the effects of sport! In order to make this amazing discovery, scientists studied the case of 80 overweight individuals, between the ages of 21 and 40. This analysis led to the following conclusion: People who sleep an average of 6 hours a night burn about 270 calories when they sleep 1-2 hours longer than usual. ! These results are amazing!

Long live sleep and naps to make sure you lose weight

If you’re not a fan of sleeping in, it’s time to change your habit. By adopting this fun practice, you can lose up to 12 kg, And it’s not a picnic! Just sleep over 1-2 hours to get there. According to Israa Matali, head of the study,

Regular and adequate sleep over a long period of time can lead to clinically significant weight loss over time. Many people look for ways to reduce their calorie intake to lose weight – but by getting more sleep, you can significantly reduce your calorie intake. »

This miraculous weight loss appears to be due to Reducing the amount of calories consumed during the day. What is certain is that we will squat more often!

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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