After being injured at Disneyland, she sues the park…and Goofy!

After being injured at Disneyland, she sues the park…and Goofy!

A woman has filed a lawsuit against Disney after a Goofy performer accidentally fell on her, seriously injuring her, during a visit to Disneyland in California two years ago.

The incident occurred on April 3, 2022 while Katrina Griffin was visiting the theme park with her daughter. The mother will be stopped for a few moments to tie her shoes. At this moment, the translator of the famously clumsy character allegedly tripped and fell on top of her, SFGate reported.

The woman then suffered “serious, debilitating and permanent injuries requiring major medical treatment,” according to a court document reported by local media.

So, after this event, Katrina Griffin decided to sue the amusement park company, Goofy's translator, and the employee who accompanied the character. According to her, the employee responsible for ensuring that Goofy had safe interactions with visitors failed in his duty by not preventing the collision.

Believing her injuries will “result in permanent disability,” the woman is seeking damages for her health care bills as well as the loss of income caused by the accident.

Disneyland did not respond to interview requests regarding this event.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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