Air France’s return to Mali: Assimi Guaita puts the kibosh on it

Air France’s return to Mali: Assimi Guaita puts the kibosh on it

On October 10, Air France confirmed the resumption of its activities in Mali.  © Urbanandsport / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP.

On October 10, Air France confirmed the resumption of its activities in Mali. © Urbanandsport / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP.

Posted on October 11, 2023
Reading: 2 minutes.

While the return of Air France to Mali was apparently approved by the highest authorities of the military junta, was it the decision of the French company, on October 10, to itself announce its return to Mali, after more than two years? Month Absence and who disturbed him?

However, the day after this decision, and two days before the announcement of the start of operations, there were movements in Bamako, where he met with Colonel Drissa Koné, Director General of the National Aviation Agency. civil (Anac), which initialed with the French Directorate General of Civil Aviation a new grant of traffic rights to France, has just been rejected.

In the first half of 2023, about 2,596 aircraft took off from Bamako International Airport, 95% of them to international destinations.  © M. Torres/

In Asmi Guaita’s Mali, is the sky less connected than it was under IBK?

As for the agreement, it is simply cancelled, according to Qasim Traoré, Financial journalist at the origin of information – incl Young Africa Confirmed – the decision was made “without consulting the hierarchy.”

The destination is still classified as red

On October 10, Air France approved the resumption of its activities in Financial, With three flights per week. To do this, it had to charter a charter plane with its crew from the Portuguese airline EuroAtlantic, and the country remained classified in the red zone by the Ministry of Social Affairs. foreign French. The company indicated that “under this classification, it is not recommended for French citizens, including aircraft crew, to travel to the country.” young africa, While raising management issues to fast.

Air France also wants to "Resuming service to Burkina Faso as soon as possible".  ©  urbanandsport/NoorPhoto via AFP

Air France also wants to “resume its services to Burkina Faso as soon as possible.” © URBAANDSPORT/NurPhoto via AFP

The Malian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, who took over the matter, announced on October 11, in a press release, that “the National Aviation Authority of Mali is currently studying the request to resume flights submitted by there Air France said the company’s remaining flights were “suspended while the file is being examined.”

The minister noted that the flights were suspended unilaterally by the company, without properly informing the authorities and the government customers”, The press release adds. ” [À la suite des] “Further requests from the financial authorities, the resumption of Air France flights to and from Bamako has been postponed until further notice,” Air France simply notes for its part.

As announced by the French company for work “In close cooperation with the Burkina Faso authorities in order to resume its services to Burkina Faso as quickly as possible,” which also suspended service on August 7. Its connection with Niger remains “on hold.” new Command “.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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