Alarm mail dated November 17, 2023

Alarm mail dated November 17, 2023

“Resilient, survivor, phoenix… call it what you want.” In any case, the Spanish political class is unanimous in recognizing the proven resistance of Pedro Sánchez., Catalan notes daily La Vanguardia. On Thursday, November 16, the Spanish Parliament reappointed the socialist, who has been in power for five years, as president of the country, and he will assume his position for the third time on Friday, after taking the oath before King Felipe VI.

The Spanish leader, who has proven in recent years his ability to remain political, received the votes of 179 deputies, a number exceeding the absolute majority set at 176. “If we collect all the parties that chose “yes” to the nomination (PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Junts, Bildu, PNV, BNG, CC), we get 12.6 million votes for a new formation of the progressive government. “In the history of the young Spanish democracy, only José Luis “Rodriguez Zapatero” It was better “During this important session of Congress” By more than “13.5 million votes in 2004, He remembers El Pais.

“Controversial Legislative Council”

However, the task appears daunting for the socialist leader, the Spanish press reported. Having finished second in July’s election, behind conservative rival Alberto Nunez Viejo, the prime minister has already been forced to negotiate in all directions in recent weeks to gain the support of several regional groups, whose votes are crucial in a deeply divided parliament. His decision to grant an amnesty law to Catalan separatists deeply divided the country.

At the call of the Popular Party (right), hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across the country on Sunday to have their say “no” This measure was rejected, according to several opinion polls, by a majority of Spaniards. “Thus begins a highly controversial legislative authority that creates unprecedented political tensions.”, Note in an editorial in the governorate’s daily newspaper El mondo. “Precisely because of the legitimate frustration that is spreading today among millions of citizens, it is crucial that neither the political opposition nor civil society give in to Sánchez’s polarizing project and resign.”Madrid newspaper confirms.

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“deep hatred”

If Sanchez today “One of the rare progressive leaders who has survived the pandemic, the far right and inflation,” “He also stirs up deep hatred.”comment La Vanguardia.

Daily ABC He remembers That the Prime Minister has to deal with a significant opposition – 171 parliamentarians opposed his reappointment – ​​formed by the People’s Party, Vox (far-right) and the General National Union (a regional right-wing party), confirms the presence of “Broken inside the bicycle.”

Moreover, the support of the parties that voted for his nomination on Thursday remains “breakable”“, notes the Spanish daily newspaper. Hum “Yes” not “It is not free and will be subject to difficult negotiations with every initiative.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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