An application that allows you to ride safely

An application that allows you to ride safely

The development of the quad trail network, implemented by the Quebec Federation of Quad Clubs with their member clubs and their volunteers, has ensured that today we can travel long distances, experience quad vacations and more.

To assist quad bikers and provide them with safety and peace of mind while traveling, federation officials created the iQuad app, which is now iQuad Pro.

“You should know that in the whole world, Quebec is the place with the largest network of federal quadrilaterals,” explains the federation’s geographer for 10 years, Patrick Dubois. If we add the summer tracks, winter tracks and four-season tracks, we reach a network of about 33,000 km. It’s huge, almost as big as the Quebec Ministry of Transport’s road network.

“The big difference is that our network is entirely supported by volunteers. All these details that I mention to you demonstrate the importance of the world of quatrains in Quebec. »

The birth of Equad

Thus, the network of trails has become a very large machine and, for some quad bikers, it can become a real headache to find their way.

“This is how the iQuad app was born, in 2012, which allowed us to provide a tool for quad bikers to help them get active.

“As the cellular world evolved, it became more difficult to get the full performance of our application. Therefore we worked to create a new interface that would meet people’s needs and above all be able to adapt to the new cellular reality. This is how the new version of iQuad was born And iQuad Pro.

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“We had to be able to create software that meets today’s standards and tomorrow’s standards, especially when cell phones are able to have satellite connectivity.”

New features

The professional version of the application brings with it very interesting new features.

“This new version 4.0 has made it possible to add context menus that can slide from top to bottom and right to left, but at its core, it remains iQuad. The old version still works but differently from the Pro version.

“So, with iQuad Pro, you can record routes and save them in the app, unlike before where the route was no longer available once the trip was completed. Now we can plan our movements.”

“We can also use a third-party application such as Track Map, create our routes and import them, always using the iQuad Pro version. We can also share our routes with another quad rider. Once the trip is completed, we can export all the trip details to the cell phone and then send them via SMS or Email to a friend. »

Thanks to the iQuad Pro app, it is also possible to form groups when you travel in groups.

“The group leader sends out an invitation to all the quad riders in the group. All they have to do is accept the invitation and automatically become members, provided they all have an iQuad Pro. At this time, we see information bubbles appear which, for example, will tell us where they have reached Quad riders in the group. If someone is late, we can find out and wait for them.

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“When there is a mechanical or other problem, the person can send a message to the other members of the group. It becomes important to the person having the problem and others. This is a really very important safety feature.”

If you’d like, you can also let someone follow you live while you’re hiking, with the data updating every 30 seconds.

And the future

Although this application already offers a lot of possibilities, the creators are always thinking of ways to improve the user experience.

“We are always thinking about innovations and staying at the forefront of quad bike riders,” says Dubois. Hence, we are trying to create a discount coupon system, with merchants signing up accordingly. Therefore, the four-wheel drive passenger will be able to benefit from it during his visit to this work.

“We are also thinking about categorizing different types of tracks and more. We want to find a way to fund more of this application which is very expensive for an organization like ours. Some companies have developed their own applications with much greater financial resources than the Federation.

“Yes, we charge $20 for the iQuad Pro, but this is not for profit. All amounts are reinvested in researching and updating the app, in order to bring the best to quad bike riders. »

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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