An island destroyed by a fire started filming a TV series

An island destroyed by a fire started filming a TV series

An Italian film crew has completely lost control of a fire they started in an episode of a civil protection series. The result: half of the vegetation cover was destroyed on the island where the filming took place, according to various European media reports.

The production of the series “Protezione Civile” (Civil Protection), filmed for Italian public television, has settled on the small volcanic island of Stromboli, near Sicily. Ironically, the series is inspired by the Italian Civil Protection, which is responsible for protecting the population from natural disasters.

However, on May 26, members of the technical team went to the volcano to light a small fire there, which they had to control and quickly put out.

Unfortunately, things went somewhat poorly. The Khamaseen, a very hot and dry wind, blew over the coals and helped spread flames over much of the island.

The fire destroyed six hectares of factories, or nearly half of the island’s vegetation, and lasted for a day and night.

The island’s fire station caught fire, a restaurant had to be evacuated, and about 50 residents were forced to leave their homes.

Fortunately, the fire did not cause any deaths. However, the islanders are angry with the production.

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“But how can they start a fire when the sirocco is blowing. How can someone who depicts a fairy tale about civil protection not know it?

An investigation has been opened by the prosecutor, but the Italian public television, RAI, refuses any responsibility. Instead, he blames the production company responsible for the series.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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