Andresa, or “1111” life based on barter

Andresa, or “1111” life based on barter

From our correspondent in Lisbon,

Andressa stared into her eyes, which were strangely blue from the reflections of the sun on the banks of the Tagus River as she sat in her chair. Andressa Salguero shakes her shyness with bursts of laughter as she recounts her experience on the basis of quid pro quo. The story begins in 2012. She lives alone, about twenty kilometers from the Portuguese capital, Lisbon. She worked as a hotel manager for a few years, but was tired of this constant and very repetitive job. She makes a decision to live differently and quits her job.

At that time, Portugal was hit by the economic crisis – caused by the consequences respression in the United States of America. Losing your job is therefore a risk you don’t want to run. At the age of 36, without the right to unemployment, you face the challenge of: live with 1 111 euros, equivalent to one month’s salary for at least one year. In the end, it will be 1 year, 11 days, 11 minutes, because ” proportional to the amount I own Andressa laughs. Thus, the “1111” stand was born. ” I set up a barter system: doing admin work in the gym for lessons, writing a resume for food, hours of cleaning or babysitting for products or clothes. The result is surprising: the young lady does not lack anything. The generosity of people is extraordinary she says. Her parents are worried she won’t contribute to Social Security or retirement. But her father thinks she should live her dreams and he supports her.

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During this period, Andressa will experience community life. She temporarily leaves the apartment her grandmother left her to commute across the country, most of the time by public transportation. I wanted to try different things while still keeping the spirit of this style of work: an accommodation and food job Andressa will visit a total of 11 communities – which is a magic number -. They are so different from each other. One is a family gathering around reggae music, and the other, we eat raw and sleep under the stars. These communities operate according to the way woof. It is a planetary movement that promotes communal and agricultural alternatives. It is more or less well established in Portugal. I have never dug fruit picking and weeding in my life. It is very interesting, especially for city dwellers, even if it is physically difficult the young woman admits. Facing a snake at night under the stars is not his best memory! His bravery is elsewhere.

Unusual experiences

Andressa readily admits: she didn’t invent anything. It is inspired by similar and more radical experiences in Germany, for example. But in Portugal – and economically ailing Portugal – this way of life is indigenous. Andressa, for example, will learn to do without her car. To pay back the €200 loan she took out for this purchase, she lent her car. Unfortunately, the miles go away and the car blows up. ” It is the only true shade of 1111 “, admits the young woman who has not lost her good mood. She makes friends with everyone she meets. And she will even find love He was a poet. It didn’t last long, but it was beautiful She said with another laugh.

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The life of barter will finally extend three more years, but it has evolved: it is a matter of working against goods or services. ” Just a few hours. There is no question of occupying someone’s position “, you specify. One day he will be in the supermarket for a 40-euro voucher, write biographies or household food, and help sell train tickets for the monthly transport ticket.

Andressa wrote her memoirs throughout “1111”. edited under the heading Belivro: Read and be 111% happy or belevro Means “ be free It mentions the English word Believes, Believes. It is also exchanged for a good or service, even a good idea. For example, when a Portuguese railway company launches a competition for proposals for sustainable development, the reward is “ belevro Another important experience for Andressa was presentation Talk show On local TV, Lisbon TV. The 13 programs – not the 11! It was titled Turn the crisis over Finally, during all this time, Andressa has given many conferences about her experience, on personal motivation and self-transcendence, to companies and organizations. Andressa who exudes empathy and creates multiple, warm bonds.

A future rooted in the past

Andressa, a trained psychologist, then returned to the normal world where she became a coach for 7 years. She works with different communities, both children and adolescents. I love that. It really suits me, being in touch with people. But I lost my job. » Today, at the age of 47, she would like to develop her activity as a paid lecturer. Even if bartering remains a pillar of his lifestyle.

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Andressa’s blue eyes narrowed again when thinking of the “1111” era. “ It’s amazing how generous and willing to help the people I met were. Yes, it is possible to live differently, I believe before adding a whisper. As long as others want it “.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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