Anselmi Amoso, African Workers Representative – Matin Lieber

Anselmi Amoso, African Workers Representative – Matin Lieber

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The Secretary-General of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (Csa-Benin), Anselm Amoso, has been reappointed as the representative of African workers to the ACP and the European Union Monitoring Committee in Brussels. Thus the Benin trade unionist is once again benefiting from the confidence of his African peers to better express their views.

The merits of union leader Anselmi Amoso ​​continue to gain international recognition. Having recently been appointed Rapporteur of the Employment Committee on the occasion of the work of the 110th International Labor Conference in Geneva, the Secretary General of Csa-Benin has been reappointed as the representative of African workers in the ACP-EU Monitoring Committee in Brussels. This is in recognition of the merits of a young union leader. It should be emphasized that the ACP-EU Follow-up Committee is composed of members of the European Economic and Social Council and representatives of the economic and social circles from the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. These representatives are nominated by the international organizations of employers, workers, farmers, consumers and cooperatives from the three regions of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. This Commission, which is based at the European Union Headquarters in Brussels, is responsible for organizing various activities with the Economic and Social Chambers of the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries with the aim of influencing the European Economic and Social Commission in the implementation of its mandate. Given under Article 4 of Protocol No. 1 of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement which states that “the organization of the consultation sessions and meetings of the economic and social departments of the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and the European Union is entrusted to the economy and the European Union.” The Monitoring Committee itself also has the task of ensuring that the profound aspirations of the populations in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific are taken into account when implementing said trade agreements with the European Union. It should then be noted that Anselmi Amoso ​​and other African colleagues appointed to the Commission will have to work towards a better orientation of the relations and activities at the pan-African level (Economic and Social Chambers meetings between Africa and the European Union and the relations with the Economists and Social and Cultural Union of the African Union). Anselmi Amoso ​​was elected in 2018 for the first time, and reappointed by his African union counterparts for a new term. Most importantly, his election was certified, according to the process, by the EU authorities on the basis of a thorough investigation. Re-elected on the eve of the drafting and signing of a new type of economic agreement with the European Union, the Beninese trade unionist Anselmi Amoso ​​is therefore seen as the right person for the job. Indeed, he is expected to arrive in Lisbon, Portugal in the next few days to attend the next meeting of the Committee.

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