Are we dealing with a new viral agent?

Are we dealing with a new viral agent?

A mysterious respiratory disease currently affecting dogs, especially in the United States. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, which requires veterinarians to report any cases associated with the disease, at least 14 US states are affected. It’s a disease we know very little about, says Yves-Lynn Bouchard, president of the Quebec Association of Veterinarians in Small Animal Practice.

“Every year we have cases of what we call a complex group of infectious respiratory diseases in dogs,” Ms Bouchard explains. “It’s a bit like in humans with influenza, it’s a cyclical thing.”

However, there appear to be more cases of respiratory illness in dogs this year, although this observation is difficult to prove. In fact, “there is no mandatory reporting system for respiratory illnesses in dogs,” says Eve-Lynn Bouchard.

At present, it is also not possible to determine whether this mysterious disease is related to the emergence of a new viral or bacterial agent, or whether it is a variant of the well-known canine disease known as “kennel cough.”

What makes us doubt that this is new is that we have cases when we do our usual tests, […] I come back negative. »

Quote from

Yves-Lynn Bouchard, President of the Quebec Veterinarians Association in Small Animal Practice

She advises dog owners to check whether there are symptoms such as coughing, fatigue, decreased appetite or thirst in the animal.

In addition, some dog breeds with long noses, such as bulldogs or pugs, may be susceptible to complications from respiratory infections.

“When in doubt, we call our veterinarian,” she concluded.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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