Areej: The Science Village is launched in Montgillhard

Areej: The Science Village is launched in Montgillhard

Areej Science Village opened on Wednesday 12 October at Forges de Pyrène. Several elected officials were present to launch these three days of celebration.

The Flag Village has opened its doors! On Wednesday, October 12, the exhibitors launched their activity near Forges de Pyrène, in Montgailhard. For three days, they move about thirty pavilions, on which exhibitions and cartoons are proposed. From astronomy to biodiversity via the humanities or sustainable development, the scientific topic is covered in almost all of its aspects.

“This is a high point for science and innovation at ARIJ,” recalls Raymond Perdue, Vice President of the District Council in charge of Culture, Youth, Sports and Citizenship. Like him, several elected officials made the trip in the middle of the week, to open this village (free entry) where many skills excel.

During the morning we were able to see Bénédicte Taurine (MP), Canal Pascale (regional advisor), Thomas Fromentin (Foix-Varilhes mayor) or even Norbet Miller (Foix mayor) wandering between the various wings. It was Gérard Burius, a member of the Pyrenees Society of Sciences (who led the organization of the village), in charge of guiding the beautiful little people. “The authorities are coming,” laughed to the animators in the hole.

1,000 students are expected

Their tour began with a visit to the science escape game workshop, where many schoolchildren were waiting in an attempt to combine science with fun. This was followed by multiple notes within the rooms and capitals. There, teachers, schoolchildren or researchers waited to present them with various and varied projects. Regarding Morse code, mathematics, or the most complex of adversities, the head of the conglomerate community was particularly talkative. Some, for their part, chose the scientific journals produced by the young students of Mollis.

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Children are already at the heart of the Science Village project. Through the initiatives carried out in the school, they came to display their small creations … and to give lessons to the elected officials, who, like the first visitors who arrived, have fond memories of their school years. Nowadays, Academy inspector Laurent Fichte insisted, “Experimentation is also an educational bias. It allows you to stick to making you want to get into the sciences.”

In this 31st edition of the science festival, set under the theme of global warming, 1,000 young schoolchildren are expected to approach during the three days of the village’s opening. Every day, they are guided and welcomed by BTS Tourism students from Gabriel-Fauré High School (Foix), as well as high school students from Jean-Durroux. No doubt they leave with their heads full of new knowledge. An impression wall was created so that everyone could have their say at the end of the visit. The village is open until Friday, October 14.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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