Asteroid Launcher: A website that lets you simulate an asteroid hitting any point on Earth

Asteroid Launcher: A website that lets you simulate an asteroid hitting any point on Earth

Movie lovers disaster They will be able to play scare themselves by simulating the effect of a asteroid on the ground by choosing its size, composition, speed, or city on which it should fall. This “game” is risk free Asteroid launcher. This is a free online simulator that draws on a wealth of data from Scientific publications (2) to provide a very accurate and detailed tool. ” The science of asteroid impacts is still a developing field and not everything is known yet Explains Neil Agarwal, the developer behind this project.

Asteroid Launcher opens to a globe map where you can pan and zoom to select the country and city that will be the subject of the simulated impact. You must then choose a typeasteroid : Type M contains iron (Iron asteroid), gold (golden asteroid), carbon-based C-type (carbon asteroid), sinner (came) or even a “classic” asteroid made of stone (stony asteroid). You can select the diameter (from 1m to 1.5km), speed (from 1m/s to 100km/s), as well as the impact angle (from 5 to 90 degrees). All that remains is to click on the “launch asteroid” button and see the result.


The result of a simulated collision of a giant asteroid with a diameter of 1.5 km in Marseille. ©, Capture Science and Life

The end of the world at the end of the click

For the purposes of this article, we chose the city of Marseille in France by simulating the effect of a asteroid A stone with a diameter of 1.5 km struck the city of Marseille at a speed of 100 km / s at an angle of 90 degrees. Extreme conditions with devastating consequences if the report released by Asteroid Launcher is to be believed.

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Thus, we learned that the impact would excavate a crater 55 km wide, causing an explosion equivalent to 5.6 megatons of TNT. Approximately 1.3 million people will die in this region. Unfortunately, there is much worse than that. A 115-kilometre fireball whose devastating effects would be felt over most of France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy and Switzerland would kill more than 34 million people. The sound of this impact will also have devastating consequences, with a shock wave of 248 decibels that will kill more than 3 million people and destroy homes within a radius of 1,000 km.

The apocalyptic picture that can still be supplemented with the disastrous consequences of the wind and Earthquake It has a magnitude of 9 which can be felt over 600 kilometers away. The only optimistic note to hold: according to Asteroid Launcher, an impact of this magnitude only occurs every 20 million years.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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