At what age do Luxembourgers leave the family cocoon?

At what age do Luxembourgers leave the family cocoon?

The age to leave home varies greatly in Europe by country. What is Luxembourg’s position in this search for independence?

Leaving the family nest does not necessarily have to be experienced by children in the same way. in terms of patience who could free himself if he could; On the other hand, “I’m not in a hurry”completely at ease with Tanguy’s influence, was immortalized by the French film Etienne Chatiliez in 2001.

From the new majority to their 30s, it’s already starting well, for young people their age and pace, as shown in the latest study by the European Union’s statistical office Eurostat, which compiles data for 2021.

Average Luxembourgish

In 2021, young people left their parents’ home in 26.5 years on average in the EU. with 26.8 years old, Luxembourg Fully in line with this average, this age somewhat corresponds to the age at the end of studies plus one to two years in the first job.

with 26.2 years, Belgians They leave their parents at the same age as the young men in the Grand Duchy. in contrast, Germans and French It’s clearly a little More impatience To savor life without mom and dad ever since, in both countries, Young people leave home at 23.6 years old rate. Here we are closer to leaving right after school (MSc Bac +5 for example) and before starting our first job. A trend that obviously has to be taken into account according to the courses and profiles.

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From northern to southern Europe, different eras

If Luxembourg and its neighbors are in the greater region of the European average, other countries are close to the “extreme”. The Eurostat study in particular shows that in the Nordic countries from the continent, Young people will leave early From their parents, unlike those who live in southern countries.

Thus, Estonia (22.7 years), Denmark (21.3 years), Finland (21.2 years) and especially Sweden (19 years old) These are the four European countries in which young people leave the family cocoon as soon as possible.

Conversely, Bulgaria (30.3 years old), Greece (30.7 years old) and Slovakia (30.9 years old) are the European countries where people seem to have the comfort of living with their parents a little longer. palm back For young Croats aged 33.3 and so on Portuguese 33.6 yearswhich is still 14 years behind the Swedes.

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Messrs. Tanguy a little more than ladies?

Still, according to Eurostat, young men seem to leave the parental home later than women. They’ll actually be older on average 27.4 years versus 25.5 years for these women. This trend is observed in all European countries.

The largest gender gaps were observed in Romania where Young people leave an average of 30.3 years old From their parents when the women left custody at the age of 25.6 years, a difference of 4.7 years.

The fact remains that in the end, age doesn’t really matter, the most important thing is to feel ready to fly on your own. Especially since the majority of parents most of the time, for cleansers or workouts to borrow, they never go away.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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