“Back to Sniffles: From Fiction to Science”

“Back to Sniffles: From Fiction to Science”

In Jules Verne’s novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Snaefellsjökull volcano in Iceland is the starting point of a fascinating underground expedition…

Artist Carol Müller and physicist Jacques Marto set out to discover this volcano. Science and art respond to each other: on the slopes of volcanoes, a cosmic particle detector exposes the bowels of the Earth (cavities, liquids, gases inside the volcano, etc.). Outside, Carol Müller’s camera recaptures the poetry of the landscape. A meditative journey also responds to a climate issue: the accelerating melting of the glacier covering the volcano could lead to its awakening…

What can also be seen inside the exhibition: a cosmic booth equipped with detectors that record particle radiation and convert it into images and sounds, in addition to a browsing atlas that displays storyboards of the work. Travel to Iceland and Greenlandbased on drawings by August Mayer, who went on an expedition to Iceland between 1835 and 1839.

The exhibition “Return to Sniffels: From Imagination to Science” runs through November 5 at the Jules Verne Museum, Nantes.

Prices: Full: €4, Reduced: €1.50, Free for under 18s.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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